Since December 2, 2024, travellers must provide their identity information, home address, phone number, gender and payment methods at the accommodation where they are staying. Nationality, email address and number of travellers must also be provided. If minors are travelling with you, the relationship between the adult and the minor traveller must be declared. Some information must also be registered when booking a rental car.
The Spanish government also obtains information about the dates travellers use the accommodation or car rental service and the method of payment used. The date of payment and the expiration date of the payment card must also be transmitted to the authorities. Hotel operators also record how many rooms are rented and whether an internet connection is requested. The operators of hotels and car rental companies, among others, use a digital platform for this purpose.
These new rules in the Marlaska Decree have actually been in effect since January 2023, but have not been enforced until now. This is because there was an adjustment period that ran until October 1, 2024. That adjustment period was extended until December 2, 2024, and has now ended.